
Certified Wraparound Facilitator (CWF)

A CWF is a person who assists children and youth deemed appropriate for Wraparound in New Mexico by supporting the services and systems a youth and family already have in place and helping to identify new ones that may be needed. They provide intensive care coordination to assist youth who may have a SED diagnosis, a history of unsuccessful multiple placements, Juvenile Justice & Protective Service involvement, and are at risk of or in an out-of-home placement. CWFs work with youth and families to make their existing services more effective and engage them when previous services and interventions were unsuccessful.

What is Wraparound?

Wraparound is a youth and family-driven, solution-focused process. It utilizes the strengths of a child and family as well as their supports to create an individualized plan for care and recovery. Wraparound places families and youth in the driver’s seat—they determine what is ultimately best for their family. It acknowledges the role that system advocates (e.g. juvenile justice, protective services) may be playing in the family’s life, and these advocates help them create strategies to meet the needs of those involved. Through partnering with and truly listening to the youth and family, facilitators of the Wraparound process bring together a team of people to provide real help to the family that will last beyond their time with formal system involvement.  

The NCBBHP collaborates with the Center of Innovation and CYFD-Behavioral Health for this credential. It is the function of this Board to administer the testing for Facilitators in Training to become Certified Wraparound Facilitators and the Recertification for Certified Wraparound Facilitators. To start this process, you must be hired as a Wraparound Facilitator. Please see the link below for more information.

Learn More about the Certified Wraparound Facilitator (CWF) Requirements

Applicants must complete the Facilitator Pathway, an 18-month intensive training/coaching program, and over 100 hours of in-person training with CEUs. 

Applicants are subject to continuous in-person coaching, on-call coaching, as well as eligible for supportive feedback opportunities. Opportunities to train and mentor future facilitators. 

To apply to become a CWF you must successfully complete training through the New Mexico Wraparound CARES Initiative. HighFidelity Wraparound is being implemented through an intensive facilitator development process that includes 18 months of training, coaching, and observation. 

To sign up for the Wraparound Facilitator computer-based exam or online exam, all applications must be approved by the New Mexico Cares Wraparound Program with a letter of approval stating successful completion of all training and requirements. NMCBBHP cannot allow anyone to take the CWF exam without first being approved by the New Mexico Cares program. You must upload your copy of the CWF Certificate when applying to Certemy.

For more information regarding New Mexico Cares Wraparound training, facilitator certification, and providers, contact:
